A Lasting Legacy
Sevenoaks Quarry
Redeveloping the Sevenoaks Quarry is about so much more than delivering much needed affordable homes – this is a once in a generation opportunity to deliver social, economic and environmental value for future generations.
The outline application secures the following key benefits:
Up to 800 new homes, of which 40% will be affordable - a mix of social rented, affordable rented and shared ownership. There will predominately be a mix of 2,3 and 4 bed homes.
Up to 150 dwellings for residential care use, to allow for specialist accommodation for older people.
A new lakeside park including new facilities for water sports, lakeside trails and public open spaces and spaces for nature.
Areas for small businesses to grow and create jobs - comprising a potential mix of employment uses, retail, services, food and drink.
Land provided for a brand new primary school, with funding delivered by Tarmac in consultation with Kent County Council.
The opportunity for the refurbishment and reuse of the locally-listed former Oast House for community related uses. A planning condition has been imposed which will ensure this, with the long term management to be determined.
Areas for the local community - including community meeting spaces and outdoor sports and recreation.
Much needed new infrastructure - remodelling the former quarry to create a beautiful new landscape and new lakes with public access and other green open spaces for you to enjoy.
The delivery of new pedestrian walkways and cycling paths – by delivering the length and also completing the east-west connection which has been long desired by residents.
A much needed Bat and Ball junction upgrade, with the aim of improving local air quality and congestion issues.
Before these can be delivered, reserved matters applications will need to be submitted to provide further details.
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